The game includes a game board, a die, pawns for 3-6 players, 30 challenge cards, 2 benefit cards for each player, 12 stars and a blue paper (UE flag without stars) for each player.
In order to play the game you have to go to "Game Setup" section and download the game elements.
After downloading and printing (or drawing) the game components, we are ready to start the fun. Each player chooses a pawn to represent them on the game board and places it on the starting square. The 30 challenge cards are placed on the game board in a stack.
Each player takes 2 benefit cards that they will use throughout the game. A small discussion is organized and it is decided who will roll the die first.
The game board is made up of 28 squares inscribed with a rule. 13 of these squares have a golden star inscribed.
Wait! Why 13?
The 13 stars symbolize the idea of not just reaching the goal of unity, but exceeding it and constantly working towards an even more inclusive and harmonious Europe. It also represent the idea that EU is always expanding, and the game can help players reflect on the importance of being always open to new cultures and new ways of thinking.
Each player takes turns rolling the die and moving on the game board as many squares as the die indicates. If the player lands on a square with a star, then they must draw a challenge card from the stack and follow the rules indicated on that card. If they successfully complete the challenge, they receive a star that they stick on their EU flag. If the player lands on another type of square, then they follow the rules indicated on that square.
The first player to complete the EU flag with 12 golden stars wins the title of "European Adventurer".
Each player receives 2 benefit cards at the beginning of the game that they can use at any time during the game. What powers do these cards have?
"A friend in need is a friend indeed": If a player chooses to use this card, he can ask one of the other players to complete the challenge instead of him. If the chosen player successfully completes the challenge, then both players receive a golden star.
​ 2. "I decide": if a player chooses to use this card, they can skip the initial challenge and choose any challenge they want from the deck. If they successfully complete it, they earn a golden star.​
Every time a player lands on a square with a star, they must draw a card from the challenge deck. When all the cards have been used, they are mixed and put back. These challenges are based on the values of the European Union and are designed to teach young people about the ideas promoted by Europeans.
If the players successfully complete the indicated challenge, they demonstrate a good understanding of European values and are rewarded with a golden star.​
Types of cards:
1. "Be kind": Small acts of kindness can make a big impact on someone's day. Call a friend, tell them what you appreciate the most about them and collect a golden star. This challenge promotes the value of Solidarity.
2. "Freedom of music": Play your favorite song and win a golden star. If any of the other players guess the name of the song, they also receive a star.
3. "A hug will be perfect": Dear players, we help each other, respect each other and support each other, so we all give a big hug and then stick a star on our flag.
4. "Time to vote": People have always fought for democracy and freedom of expression. Voting is a way to express your opinion and now it's time to vote. Each player proposes an idea that they would implement if they were president of their country. In the end, the best idea is voted on and that player receives a star.
5. "Be Yourself": Each person has unique qualities and characteristics that should be respected and appreciated. Share something unknown about yourself with the other players and earn a star.
6. "Voice your opinion": Share your opinion on a current political issue and discuss with other players. Each player that actively participates in the discussion earns a star.
7. "Funny face": Show off your silly side by making a funny face for the group. The player who makes the group laugh the most wins a golden star. This challenge promotes the value of Tolerance, as it encourages players to accept and appreciate each other's unique personalities and sense of humor.
8. "I am a Politician": Try to imitate a well-known politician by giving a short speech in their style. You need to be a good actor to make the other players guess the person and win a star.
9. "Secret message": say a short sentence in a language you think the other players don't understand. If no one decodes the message, then you collect a star.
10. "Sing it loud": Choose a song and sing it out loud in public. If you can get at least one player to join in and sing along, you win a star.
11. "Mime That Right": You have to mime a specific human right. The other players have to guess which human right is being mimed and if they guess correctly, you and the guesser win a star.
12. "Freedom of Fashion": To win a star dress up in the most ridiculous outfit you can think of, and walk around the room. You can use anything you find around you.
13. "Foreign Accent": Imitate a foreign accent as well as possible and try to convince the other players that you are of foreign origin. If you succeed, you win a star and everyone learns to appreciate cultural and linguistic diversity.
14. "Fake or Real?": Tell two sentences about yourself, one of them must be true, the other must be false. The other players have 30 seconds to decide together which one they think is true. If they do not guess correctly, then you win a star.
15. "All or nothing": Draw a European country's banknote that you think others will recognize (you can get inspiration from the internet). If all players know the banknote, then everyone gets a star. If a single player does not know the answer, then no one gets anything.
16. "I am not perfect": Share a moment in your life when you made a mistake you regret. You win a star and others learn from your experience.
17. "I am different": Play an opera song and dance like you're listening to a party song. You win a star and have a great time.
18. "Science is the future": Explain a scientific concept or principle from a field of your choice (e.g. physics, biology, chemistry) in a funny and creative way (e.g. through a story or a song). If the other players understand and retain it, then you win a star and everyone learns something new about science.
19. "Celebrate Diversity": Learn and teach the group a simple phrase in a language other than your own. If everyone can successfully repeat the phrase, you earn a star.
20. "I can do anything": Imitate a profession that is typically associated with the opposite gender and win a star.
21. "Peaceful Skies": Make the longest-flying paper plane (using recycled paper) and compete with other players to see whose plane can stay in the air the longest. The winner gets a star and we all learn about the importance of peaceful skies and sustainable development.
22. "Courtroom Drama": Act out a humorous mock trial scene where one player is the defendant and the rest are the jury. The defendant must come up with a creative and funny excuse for their "crime" (ex. "I only stole that cookie because I was having a really bad day and needed a pick-me-up"). The jury then has to decide if they believe the excuse or not. If the defendant convinces the jury, they win a star, and everyone gets a good laugh while learning about the legal system.
23. "3-Word Tour": Present a country using only 3 words, the first person to guess it correctly wins a star. Of course, you also get a star.
24. "Eco-Friendly": Find the most creative way to reduce, recycle, or reuse an object around you. If you have an amazing idea, you earn a star and everyone learns how to be more environmentally friendly.
25. "Animals need us": animal abandonment is an important issue at the European level. Help furry friends find a family. Go on a social platform and share an adoption announcement from your local community. You earn a star and help a soul in need.
26. "The truth and nothing but the truth": Europe is transparent, democratic and promotes the truth. I am European and I invite other players to ask me any question they want (without violating human rights) to which I will only tell the truth.
27. "Try others' style": Write a 5-word sentence using your non-dominant hand. Whoever manages to read what you wrote wins a star. You also earn a star if at least one player answers correctly.
28. "We are culturally rich": Show other players a dance specific to your area and invite them to follow your moves. You feel good and you earn a star.
29. "Speak Up": Tell a funny story that happened to you in school or at work, a personal story that would make others laugh and learn something from it. Did I mention you will also get a star?
30. "Free to travel": As a European citizen, you have the freedom to travel to any country within the EU. Name 10 countries that are part of the EU and win a star.
The game ends when a player completes the European Union flag with 12 stars.
Do not worry, you can start it again :)